I believe it was Uncle Dan and Aunt Kirstin who noticed that -and I quote- "she really does tell you what she wants in no uncertain terms". Couldn't have said it better myself.

No captions even necessary- you all know what I want!
At 14 months I don't really say much...'da-da' and 'ma-ma' but even these aren't exclusive to my parents. Mommy is starting to worry a little because now all the other parents ask her "is she starting to string words together yet?" Uhhh, not exactly...I mean, I clearly have comments to make. There is no doubt I am talking, asking questions, making jokes, singing, carrying on entire conversations...the only trouble is- no one else speaks my language!!!
Luckily, as mentioned before, I have little trouble expressing my needs. A few baby signs help as well, I can sign milk, give, hello/goodbye ('wave' sounds so childish), water, more, play and down/let's go. To the amazement of my parents, I do not sign 'eat' but then again, I think I have adequately demonstrated why this is simply unnecessary.
I am a hilarious child- always entertaining. My favorite foods now are bananas (#1 for sure- I would go through the whole bunch in a sitting if mom would let me) macaroni (with or without cheese) ranks #2, and mandarin oranges- a close but definite 3rd. My favorite toys are balls, my big blocks, books (I enjoy reading them- not particularly being read to) and cars/strollers- anything with wheels. I am starting to get the whole coloring thing (I am right handed, by the way) and love interacting with other kids and feeding my puppies. I respond to many different cues- like "where's your water" or "give me five". I can blow kisses and bubbles (in the pool) and point at everything!!! I often point at something I want and then point to myself- again- really- who needs words?
I have also recently discovered the TV. My Aunt Quinny warned my parents that the new studies all say children should not watch any TV before the age of 2 and until about 3 days ago- I really hadn't. Please don't give all the credit to my parents- I just simply just wasn't interested until the other day--we were driving with some friends and they saw that we have a DVD player in the Honda. They pulled it down and voila! Baby Einstein popped up on the screen. I just couldn't keep my eyes off it- it's mesmerizing. Now every time I get in the car I point to the screen. Mom doesn't let me watch unless it's a long trip she feels guilty about taking me on, but either way I am enjoying the new entertainment.
Well, that's -in a really big nutshell- what I'm up to these days. I missed my 13 mo. report, so I wanted to get everyone up to speed. Everyday is a day I learn something new!! I am sure there are hundreds of things I left out, but you get the idea.