Now that we're back from our visit north and things are settling down a bit (not to mention my 15 month milestone), mommy decided it was time to crack down on learning some of the things I should already be doing. So...we have kicked the bottle and are officially going on 6 days with no bottles, of course, this also pretty much means 6 days with no milk. We asked Dr.
Bellah and he said it was OK as long an I was getting enough fluids (which is negotiable) and that I will probably adjust here in a few weeks. Apparently it is totally normal for babies to associate milk with the bottle and water with the cup and when you go mixing all this up, it just makes a mess of things! In the meantime I am eating lots of yogurt and -when necessary- ice cream. Uh yeah, mom...good plan, this is
definitely going to make me want to go back to the milk...
Mommy has also been encouraging me to feed myself (and to think, after all that mopping!). I have
definitely got the part where the spoon goes into the mouth...it's the getting the food on the spoon that's troubling. Oh well, we have time.
At 15 months I am a beautiful, happy, healthy, very inquisitive and busy little girl! I have
maybe started to say a few words- ma-ma is a definite now,
da too,
na (banana), bye-bye and pup-pup (puppy)- the last two are still up for debate but mommy thinks she hears them.
Our days are filled with play time and lots of laughing (I have just started to stomp my feet when I laugh- it is hilarious) a single 2 hour nap and several sessions of eating. I wake up about 7am and go to bed about 7pm. My favorite thing to do these days is "shop"- I will find any sort of bag (fitting over the shoulder like a purse is a
pre-requisite) and go around choosing items to put in it and carry. I go for my official 15 month check-up right after Labor Day, so we'll keep you all posted on my growth stats too!