We are very excited to announce that Blayne will be a big sister...to a little brother!

These are a few sneak peaks at our little boy as he cooks. We went for an 18 week ultrasound on May 12th where we, of course, also learned the sex of our little critter. Everything looks good and in line with a projected due date of mid-October...somewhere between the 9th and the 14th, depending on who you ask. Momma predicts he will come a little early (don't we always?) and Daddy remembers waiting an excruciating 12 days with a very pregnant, very anxious mother to be...so we'll have to wait and see.
Here is the man-proof, for any doubters (...nothing like having your naked pictures plastered on the internet before you're even born ;-) Poor kid, but I suppose he'll have to get used to it...
Ms. Blayne will most likely have to start sharing her blog with mommy for the next few months as we watch her expanding belly, to be followed shortly with the challenge of sharing EVERYTHING else.
We are also excited to announce that we have in fact chosen a name for our second bundle of joy:
Caden James
We figured since we wanted to know the sex, we might as well get him named and start aclimating ourselves and Ms. Blayne to his presence!