How has it been 3 years already???
Ms. Blayne chases butterflies as much as any other 3 year old so when Moody Gardens opened a butterfly exhibit in May, we planned a trip down for her birthday.
It was really a lot of fun- they had a maze that the kids shuffled through teaching them about butterflies accompanied by life size versions of caterpillars, cocoons, wings and more.

It isn't a party without some party shoes and happy cake!
Blayne's two favorite characters are Curious George and Hello Kitty. We had planned a Curious George party at her request but she changed her mind at the last minute-which, was actually really awesome luck because Curious George cakes were impossible to find.

Saturday morning we had a great little party in the park with some gifts and cake! This year the birthday girl was very shy (quite out of character) about being the center of attention- poor thing cried when we sang to her and didn't want anything to do with cutting the cake...eating it, however, was another matter all together.
We ended the day with a sleepover! Keller, Stewart, Monte and Mulligan all made a floor fort and eventually (and I mean eventually) fell asleep. We had a great day!

This now, is perhaps my favorite part of the whole weekend. As we have done every year, we had Blayne's birthday announcement put up on the marqui for our annual picture. It was up Friday and into Saturday. I kept saying "we need to go take the picture before they take it down". Ian calmed my concerns by reminding me that being a weekend, no one would change the marqui until Monday. Sunday afternoon we ventured over to the entrance to the city to find that
"Happy B-day Blayne"
had been changed to
"Happy B-day Al Burns"
What are the odds that Al would have all the same letters we needed to temporarily re-arrange to get our pic?
I won't lie to you, I have no idea where we got the E, but you will notice we cleverly framed the photo to make it look like we mis-judged the shot and cropped the Y in "DAY". Oh well, I have decided being a parent is about ingenuity and creativity- oh, and love, lots of love!
Happy, happy 3rd birthday Blayne!