Friday, September 24, 2010
"Momma, you're really TALL!?!"
Monday, September 20, 2010
Daddy of the Year!
We were all set up to go on a group camping trip when Daddy opened his mouth and out slipped "if you don't want to go, I'll take the kids and you can stay home."
I don't think he had finished the sentence before my bag was unpacked. It's not that I am opposed to camping, and I truly regret missing a weekend away with my babies, but I have not had much of an opportunity to be by myself in, well, about 3 and a half years.
On top of everything, he managed to snap some shots to document the occasion. However, I have very little idea of where they were or what they did...I probably should have let Ian write this post.
I know one day they loaded everybody up in the Chronister's RV and drove to a cajun festival. I got a media message that even showed Caden's carseat strapped into what I can only assume was a couch...
The bloggers thank you too (whether they know it or not) because it was a big push to getting even this close to caught up.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
In our visit with the Schenck's, Aunt Peggy was telling us about a comedian they like, Daniel Tosh, and his TV show Tosh.O.
We were, ironically, hopelessly, looking for something-anything to watch one weekday evening and came across this masterpiece. If you've never seen it, I highly suggest a trial viewing. Keep in mind, it's on late, so not exactly kid friendly...
One weekly segment is the "Video Breakdown". Relatively self explanatory- so when I came across this series of photos, I couldn't help myself. Here is my verion of a:
"Photo Breakdown"
A baby opening a drawer- ok, relatively normal. Of course, had his parents properly baby proofed their house, none of this would have happened.

K- he's managed to get himself into the drawer, remove some applesauce and pose for the camera. He obviously knows he's being watched.

Perhaps the original intent was not to feed the dogs...but simply to chow down on some awesome kids snacks, but alas, eating through the plastic proved too challenging.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Long Lost Friends
Mind you, after all that time, I didn't manage to get a photo of all of us together. Heck, forget together, I don't even have digital proof that we were in the same place at the same time! I assure you however, we were. I know we posed for a shot of the 8! of us, but it must be in someone else's digital photo album.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PA bound
Late August we made a trip up north to good 'ole PA. This is a mixed up collage of photos from our adventure!
Rub a dub dub, 3 kids in a tub! There were so many ADORABLE shots of these 3, but alas, in today's age we can only post "clean" pun intended...well maybe a little one ;-)
we played,
we brainstormed (and finally figured out who Caden looks like),
we swam,