A few months ago, I would have told you I was a believer of nurture over nature. That girls and boys are born alike, just raised differently. We have tried to raise our children without bias; Blayne has trucks, Caden plays with dolls. And for a good few months, he was our "easy going" child, despite all the warnings about how "boys are different."
It wasn't until Caden's first birthday that he began to show signs of being truly different than Blayne at that age. We thought Blayne had no fear...well, we have a better idea of just what that means now. Not just climbing on the table, no- but moving boxes over to the table, climbing on them to get to the table, standing up on the table, then jumping off- AT ONE! Seriously?
Sharp corners? I'll find them, run toward them then dive!!!

Stairs? I can go down even faster than I can go up...

Don't block me- that is simply juvenile. This will only give you a false sense of security as I will find a way around and hurt myself even more in the process...

Please, please, don't even consider telling me the word "no". I will cover my ears and laugh in your face. See, I am cute, and I know you will most likely crack a smile under that harsh facade- don't think I don't see it.
Yes, as time has passed, Caden is what we have come to refer to as a "liability". He is...
well, was...
well, still is actually,
an accident waiting to happen.
November 8th around 6:30pm, momma was getting dinner ready for everyone and threw Easy Mac in the microwave (our microwave WAS in our island, i.e., low; knee level). I walked away to grab some meat off the grill and upon my return found Ian, Caden and Blayne in the bathtub- water running, Caden screaming hysterically. I came to find out that as I left, he managed to open the microwave and submerge his entire left hand and part of his forearm into the boiling water which was intended for some innocent mac & cheese.

We quickly realized this was a hospital worthy injury and loaded everyone up into the truck for a trip to the local UTMB Pediatric Clinic. When we arrived we walked into a room full of sick babies. Luckily, there was clearly some urgency in our situation and they rushed us back.
An hour or so, and some Tylenol with codeine later, it was decided that a trip down to Shriner's Children's Burn Hospital was necessary. Caden had 2nd degree burns on 3% of his body. The main concern was with circulation as the burns encompassed his entire hand, including 100% of the circumference of his fingers. We dropped daddy and Blayne at home, and headed down to Shriner's for a midnight visit.

Dressed in a fancy Bio-Brane "cast" we returned home the same evening to follow up with many a trip back to this awesome facility. They took amazing care of our little dude and we are forever thankful. His hand is as good as new, despite some discoloration. It has been an eye opening, learning experience and I can honestly say that we have all grown and/or changed from it in some way. We are so very grateful that this was a minor injury and so easily fixable. We have a new appreciation for our health and our family and pray for those who are less fortunate than us.
A special thanks to Zaza and Mia who both ventured south to help and offered many nights of sleep we would not have otherwise gotten. Thank you both so much, we don't know how we could have done it without you!

Moral of the story: elevate your microwave.
Oh...and boys ARE different...at least in our house.