We, of course, went into the hospital Sunday night around 8pm to start the induction process. We met with the doctor and were pleased to hear that even before any intervention, I was dilated 1cm...a long way from 10, but better than nothing.
Around 9pm the nurse administered cervidil which contains prostagandin- a hormone used to help dilation and effacement. With just the cervidil, I started to have regular contractions about 2am Monday morning. Around 5am we ditched the cervidil and got an hour to prepare ourselves mentally for the start of the pitocin.
Because I was having contractions on my own, we got away with an extra hour of no additional intervention, but by 7am the inevitable happened and we were put on the IV to start the drug. The pitocin kindly produced very regular and very strong contractions in only about 20 minutes time.
At 9am, the doctor made his rounds we were well on our way to 6cm. He broke my water and ordered the epidural. The epidural- God's gift to modern medicine- brought much relief and allowed me to rest all the way to 9cm.
We had finally reached our goal of 10cm a little after noon on Monday and started to push shortly after. Only about an hour or so later we had ourselves a perfectly healthy, beautiful -albeit cone headed- little girl.
Blayne is doing great! She is nursing well, sleeping well and very alert. Her APGAR scores were an 8 and 9 and she has already met twice with the pediatrician and passed her hearing tests.
Ian and I are doing great too- we're just enjoying this time and falling in love! We are totally in awe of the entire process and so proud of our new baby girl.
1 comment:
Dear Miller Family,
Congratulations on a job very well done! I KNOW you must feel like your flying on cloud 9, since I still feel that way after 5 weeks! Kylah was so happy to hear about her new cousin, she was getting impatient waiting! Blayne is adorable, keep the photos coming!
Aunt Barbie
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