Today mom woke me up from my mid-morning nap and -just like that- my bee
bo was gone! It didn't give me any indication that it would be leaving, it just up and fell off while I was sleeping.

Well, that is one milestone reached...perhaps tomorrow we'll try walking...
Um, Uncle Josh and Aunt Sarah (who don't speak baby talk) want to know what the heck is a bee bo? Was Blayne sad that it was gone, or was this a good thing and we should be celebrating? This baby thing is so confusing!
According to Sandra Boynton -a very famous author of fine, albeit baby, literature, wrote a book about bee bos. This is how tiny hippos say 'belly button'. Blayne may in fact be sad that it is gone, but mom and dad are not. It was quite disgusting...even for a cute baby.
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