More forgotten files!
These are from a few weeks ago but I wanted to show you proof of my new obsession!
I had mentioned it before in a pseudo 15 month update (new stats to the right by the way), but here is the real thing. Give me a bag and something to put in it and I will entertain myself for hours on end.
Here I was helping Aunt Haley pack for college. I thought I might go along...I like Blacksburg, I have been there a few times before. Speaking of my worldly travels- I have added a new state to my repertoire- Illinois! We were not so pleasantly surprised to find out we were flying back to Houston via Chicago last week, but what can you do? I had fun- it seems that plane rides are just terribly entertaining for me. If you think I'm busy on land, you should see me in the air...in a space about big enough for a box...with only the toys that would fit in the carry on bag...at 11 o'clock at night...yeah...
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