Too early to start counting down? Don't get me wrong, pregnancy has been great! Honestly, thus far it has been an awesome experience and Ian and I have been very lucky...that was, of course, until last week when we discovered the sciatic nerve. I, personally, could really do without this monster and Ian isn't enjoying the sleepless nights and complaints any more than I am. Blayne, however, doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she is as active as ever and I am pretty sure she is chewing and pulling on the nerve just to mess with her parents-to-be.
Luckily, yesterday we did find some relief in a fabulous little self-adjustment of the pubic bone and some words of wisdom from Mavis' chiropractor and massage therapist. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the relief will last and get us through -at least- the next few weeks.
This is a busy week for BAM-BAM, we have an ultrasound today and a check-up tomorrow. We'll keep everyone posted with news and -hopefully- photos!
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