We still had a little trouble getting Blayne to cooperate, but she at least turned around today. Circumstances and weather weren't much more help- a broken digital recorder and power loss later- we left with only a few black and white photos and some super small color copies, which are even more difficult to decifer. I guess we'll just have to do what people did in the old days and wait for her arrival to get a good look ;-)

This is the same picture as above, but I have added some labels to help show what we are looking at. I had some trouble adjusting the font size of the lables, though, so to further help the cause- from top to bottom they read: eyes, nose, mouth and (to the right) hand.
Despite the vague photos we have to show for our 3D adventure, we got to see her blink her eyes, suck on her hands and open and close her mouth. We also got a report of her size: 4lbs 2oz! Not bad! In fact, her measurements are pretty much exactly average, so, although she looks small on the outside, she seems to be growing just fine on the inside.
This is the same picture as above, but I have added some labels to help show what we are looking at. I had some trouble adjusting the font size of the lables, though, so to further help the cause- from top to bottom they read: eyes, nose, mouth and (to the right) hand.
Despite the vague photos we have to show for our 3D adventure, we got to see her blink her eyes, suck on her hands and open and close her mouth. We also got a report of her size: 4lbs 2oz! Not bad! In fact, her measurements are pretty much exactly average, so, although she looks small on the outside, she seems to be growing just fine on the inside.
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