First of all, I am sure you've gathered from the posts/pics, that I am a walking machine! As a matter of fact, I hardly walk anymore, I run. I almost never get on all fours and am loving being a biped.
I am up to four (almost six, but not quite) teeth, two on top, two on the bottom, and apparently they only come two at a time. I am finally able to chew my food not just gum it. Speaking of food, I really prefer finger food at this point, and if you are going to feed me with a spoon, good luck because although I don't have the coordination to do it myself, I do have the willpower, so beware.
Marshmallows and mandarin oranges are by far my favorites. A tough diet for a Miller -whose best friend is Mulligan- who refuses to believe that /m/ is a consonant worth using. That being said, obviously my mom has yet to hear "ma-ma" but does patiently listen to "da-da" all day long. I also have yet to say my first word but will talk your ear off in a heartbeat.
Most of my days are unfortunately consumed with construction stuff, but I usually get an hour or so a few times a week at the gym day care- which I LOVE! I really enjoy being around other children and, considering I am an only child, do quite well playing with others. On the weekends we go to the pool or the beach and I continue to love the water more than anything else. Baths have become a bit cumbersome so I have graduated to showers.
I am about as huggable and kissable as they come but don't try and hold me down for too long because I get busier every day. I am a sweet, happy child but I know what and I will get frustrated if you can't read my mind. Is that so much to ask? I don't think so, do you?
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