Sunday, September 30, 2007

That's it?!?

Uh...are you kidding me? That-is-it? That? All the worrying, the encouragement, the complaining...all for this?

This? This is what you were all waiting for? For me to roll over into a helplessly uncomfortable position only to cry long and loud enough for someone to come and flip me back onto my back? The position in which, I might add, I was perfectly content staying for the rest of my baby days...but no...

Needless to say, it was a very anticlimactic end to a dramatic milestone. So, yes, I can roll will someone please roll me back?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Modification Necessary

I do love my exercauser, but I just can't quite reach the ground. I play in one at the gym where I can touch my feet and I thought that was great until I tried one in Florida this past weekend where not only could I touch the ground, but I could propel myself across the floor! It was the best! Mommy does her best to modify this one for me, but until I grow a bit more I won't be roaming the floors of the Tangerine Dream just yet.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Florida Fun

We had so much fun on our Florida trip. We got to see Aunt Quinn, Uncle Dave, Aunt Haley and of course Mia and Bucca. I also got to meet the Adrian gang. They are one crazy group of people who sure know how to have fun! In the spirit of "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" we'll just say that we asked Mia to screen these photos for some that would be blog-appropriate ;-)

Here I am in that fancy exercauser I was telling you all about- the one I could actually get around the room in! That thing was great!

Friday, September 21, 2007


Surprise Bucca! It was so much fun surprising my grandpa for his 50th birthday! Luckily one person (Uncle Dave- he is so handy!) out of this insane group knew how to program the camera so we could get a shot with everyone. Check out that Hula cake- I sure hope I get one of those for my birthday...but hopefully I won't have to wait until I'm offense Bucca, but that's a long time ;-)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

First Class

I figure I do enough traveling that it is about time I had my own seat! We didn't actually splurge for Blayne to travel first class, but in the unlikely event of an empty Southwest flight, we take advantage where we can.

Here we are on our way to Palm Coast Florida to surprise Bucca for his 50th birthday! Be sure to check back in a few days...Momma didn't take many photos so she has asked for Mia to send her some and will need to back date our trip when she gets those.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Carrots: The new pink

Carrots and a blend stick: $50

Bibs: $3

Baby spoons: $4

Laundry detergent: $20

Actually swallowing: Priceless

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bad Habits

Today when we had our second round of cereal momma thought it would be a good idea to try it at my late afternoon meal, not my bedtime meal. She said it's a bad habit to eat right before bed and it's too early to start bad habits...

apparently, however, eating naked is OK.

A small complication we ran into eating in the afternoon is that I don't go directly to the bath afterward...and as you can see, I am absolutely covered in the stuff...what can we do???

That'll work.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Food at last

Um, um, um, rice cereal!

What is this thing you're putting in my mouth?Hmmm, sure looks interesting...

Oh my...weird texture, ok, now what do I do with it?

Swallow it? Are you crazy? Ok...I guess I'll try...

Oh I don't know about that...

Oh alright, I changed my mind- more! more!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

4 months and growing!

I went for my check-up today and I am a strong, healthy, growing baby girl! I measured in at 25 and 1/4 inches, 13 lbs 13oz, and a head circumference of 15 and 7/8 inches. Despite my 'short and fat' status of 2 months, at 4 I am long and lean- perfect to go with my supermodel pout (eating your words yet, daddy?). I also got 4 more vaccines today and took 'em like a champ again.

Dr. Bellah made me feel really good about all the things I can do. He underlined the fact that I can follow an object the size of a pea 180 degrees left to right, I turn my head to the sound of a whisper, I grab at things, I return your smile when you smile at me, I laugh, I imitate the intonation of your voice, I push myself up into the baby cobra pose, and I hold my head up strong- even when you lift me from a lying to a sitting position.

I also got the green light to start solids! Yeah! I am so excited. I like to put everything in my mouth these days anyway, so why not make it something I should swallow? Daddy, of course, heard this and got a little ahead of the game. Momma came up from grilling dinner and found us like this:


She explained that solids did not include glass bottles or beer. Oh well, I am sure rice cereal will taste just as good!

The good...and the bad

The good news is: momma was able to find new NUKs that I would take...

The bad news is: Mulligan will take them too.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I tell you, that roll-over crap is nothin' but overrated! If I can get this far without having to rolling over, what is the big deal? Of course, my mommy had to place me in this position, but whatever, she'll always be there to get me from my back to sitting, right?

I am perhaps overcompensating a bit for my lack of talent in some areas, so I must be honest with you...although, yes I can hold myself up for a short period of time, this does always end in a topple-over (again much more fun than the roll-over). Luckily my mommy is always there to help me with that one too ;-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Where's Waldo?

uh...I mean Blayne?

Not the most becoming photo, but I wanted to show everyone my weekend jammies. My Aunt Steph bought these for me. She gave them to me with a little note attached explaining that if I were left somewhere (like the neighborhood bar, for instance ;-) I should be returned to the house that I matched. Needless to say, there is only one this color on the island...

But please don't worry, my parents have become surprisingly more responsible since I showed up...or at least that is what I am told...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Well...this week I have come to learn that the 'D' in destroy stands for DOG.

We present Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

And by far the most detrimental, Exhibit C:

Some of you are probably wondering why my parents would continue to shove this chewed up pacifier in my mouth...well, it is the one I was given at the hospital when I was first born and to this day the only one I will take.

I assure you, however, it was sterilized.