Give the people what they want...alright, alright.
I know you've all been waiting for some new pics of young Caden as he grows and changes day by day. Once again, we defer to the Mia pics- (she should really start charging us for her services!) she did impressively well keeping up with the photos despite the madness of a 2 year old and a newborn.
Not a whole lot new to report at 3 weeks except that all is going very well. Blayne is still in love with Caden, so that helps a lot. He has been eating well and sleeping well, considering. He is hanging on to that calm, content demeanor which is a God-send and keeping the rest of us equally calm and content.
He is starting to coo and make those little reactive smiles! It is so sweet, we think there might just be dualing dimples like Ms. Blayne- we'll have to wait and see!