Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hooray, hooray, today is my day!

I'm 2, let me through...I'm off and away!

Momma and Dadda golf-carted me over to Kemah to celebrate the beginning of the terrible twos! We had lots of fun- we played in the dancing water, we rode the cho-cho, the carousel...

(which did not have 'cows' and that was seriously disappointing...)

watched the sting rays (no way in hell was I gonna stick my hands in there like Momma and Dadda thought I would) I was quite content to be behind the glass...had dinner 'out' followed by some classic 'birthday cake' ice-cream

and came home and opened presents! I had lots of wonderful things to open from mommy and daddy as well as Zara, Tia, Grammy and Grandmimi! Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts!

What a great day to be two!

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