Thursday, December 24, 2009

The eve of all eves

What do you do on the eve of children's most exciting day? Well, if your business is building houses (or if you're married to, or the child or an enigneer), you build a house!

A gingerbread house, of course. Everyone had their jobs-

Momma: G.C. and finance
Daddy: engineering and frame
Blayne: exterior finish and interior decorating
Caden: quality control.

Uh oh...someone is sleeping on the guess: either frame or quality control or both...

After the stuructural failure, we opted for something simpler...cookies for Santa.

Much to Blayne's dismay, we did not let her eat least not until the next morning after Santa had his share.

P.S. This is actually the second gingerbread house that Blayne and Daddy built. Monte ate the first one off the after many tears, Daddy got another one. For the record of both Daddy and Caden, the first one went up without a hitch.

1 comment:

Katherine, Ben, Margaret & Charlotte said...

Does this structural failure reflect on Ian's engineering reputation in any way?