Friday, June 20, 2008

And we're off!

Being the adventurous threesome we are, and the west coast of Florida as close as it is, we decided it was a good excuse for a car trip! Of course, we planned this before gas went sky-rocketing to above $4 a gallon, but hey- it's vacation, so we went with the flow.

We loaded up the car Friday afternoon and right about bedtime hit the road. It was smooth sailing all the way to Florida and we arrived at our first stop -Rosemary Beach- just in time for breakfast!
We couldn't check into the house until the afternoon, so we killed some time at the beach and just walking around the charming little town. After a quick dip in the ocean and some good food, we continued our journey another few hours hugging the pan handle until we arrived safely at the Eagle's Nest and settled in for a week's long rest.

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