Sunday, April 12, 2009

Worth It.

So...after all that exhausting preparation of eggs, etc. for the bunny??!? I awoke to a trail of marshmallows...

What could it mean? Zara helped me follow them (and fend off the portuguese who were equally- if not more interested than I)...

And at the end of the trail (which had already been confiscated by those darn portuguese before momma could even shoot the above photo) was a basket marked with a B! B, of course, stands for Blayne, so this loot was all mine!

Between the bunny, my Zara, Tia, a basket that was sent by Mia, Bucca & Aunt Haley, Aunt Quinny and Uncle Dave and even Tracy and Mr. Mike who brought me those hot ears to wear- this whole Easter thing turned out to be worth all the confusion in the world!


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