Friday, October 16, 2009


Just a short 36 hours after Caden was born, we were released from the hospital with a relatively clean bill of health. The only thing of concern was Caden's slightly elevated biliruben level that we tested again on Friday, and a final time on Saturday before seeing the expected improvement.

Coming home- just the four of us for the first time- brought a few quick realizations:

-1:1 is a slightly frightening ratio

Although we love having no car payment, the 10-year-old 5 series is NOT a family vehicle...who's idea was it again to let the Pilot drown in the hurricane?

-You really do need that foam piece they give you to level the car seat- you know, the one that after hours of digging through the closets, attic and garage, we said "what was that for anyway?" (you'll feel better -maybe- knowing that daddy drove home holding Caden's head in place while mommy shifted gears...)

We made it home in one piece, despite some obviously necessary adjustments. We met Zara at the house who helped us get everyone up and situated- especially considering the overly interested Portuguese-one in particular who became Caden's shadow within the first 2 minutes of arrival (it's OK though, I believe he is on his way to Connecticut shortly to join another family-of-four-to-be).

We are glad to be home and looking forward to settling into at least a glimpse of a routine over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Katherine, Ben, Margaret & Charlotte said...

If you are even thinking about sending a dog up to us you are crazy! I can't even keep Margaret and the cat from attacking each other, I have no idea what I would do with a dog! But thanks anyway ;-)