Monday, January 7, 2008

Playin' around

My friend Mia (not to be confused with my grandma Mia) and her brother came to visit and play this past weekend. Mia is about six weeks younger than I am but you'd never know it in her size (and I'm not exactly petite over here...). We had lots of fun playing with my toys and just sittin' around being babies.

Ah hem...just because I said we had fun doesn't mean that I didn't have to lay down the law a few times to be sure Mia knew who was boss. After all, she was on my turf!

1 comment:

Smattered said...

I can't help but giggle over the bald babies and their squishy faces!

Too cute!

Keep the pictures coming!!!

Lots of love to the humans and fuzzy butts!