Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Billy Bear

I know you have seen many a picture lately of me in my crib, but it just that I seem to do some of the cutest things when I'm in there!
Mommy has been putting stuffed animals in my crib with me in shifts to see if I seem to like any of them. It's not that she wants me to be carrying one around when I'm 15 or anything, nor does she look forward to discussing why said animal cannot accompany me to school in a few years, but when I cry in my crib she just wishes I had some level of comfort (apparently beyond the pacifier...which, I might add, she has already said she is NEVER taking away...).
Well, after weeks of no luck, mommy just figured I wasn't the kind of kid to get attached to an animal or a blankie...until I met Billy Bear. Billy Bear was my Christmas gift from Uncle Bill and ever since his turn in the crib, there has been no need for further change. Billy Bear is it!

1 comment:

Mia & Bucca said...

Sweet dreams baby girl, we miss you

Mia & Bucca