"Feliz cumpleanos" means Happy Birthday..."anos" literally means years, so "meses" literally means months and "medio ano" means half a year, so the title here means more or less "Happy Half Birthday!"
For those of you who don't know, my parents are trying to raise me bilingual, so that is where all this spanglish comes from...in any case...happy six months to me!!!
At six months I am just amazing! I am learning to sit up on my own and showing the precursors to crawling. I amuse myself to no end- to the point that even when I see a picture of myself I laugh and carry on. I love me...but can you blame me?
A typically day in the life of Blayne at 6 months is: wake up @ 6:30am, eat, play, nap about 9am til about 11am or 12pm- eat, play, nap @ 2pm til about 3pm, eat, play, play, play til about 7:45pm, then bath, bottle and bed. Sleep until 6:30 am (if momma's lucky) and repeat!
My favorite toys: anything that is not for me...remote controls, cell phones, etc. I don't know why momma bothers to come home with silly baby versions of this stuff...I want the real thing- a material girl in the making.
I am just starting to get into everything, drawers, cabinets, all the things my parents thought I wouldn't do for a long time and loving it! I guess there will be some seriuos blayne-proofing to do in the near future...the easy days of staying in one place are over!