Friday, December 21, 2007

7 months old!

So...apparently the 7 month birthday is the BIG ONE!! Here I was waiting around for a year (although, granted, I wasn't exactly sure how many months that was) and all of a sudden I had just days and days of opening presents!
We started the festivities at our house in Houston a few days early...I believe it was the 19th of December. Mom and Dad said something about practicing opening gifts to make sure I was ready for "the big day". Really! To think I would have any qualms about pulling paper and bows off truly makes me question their intelligence...
What could it be? I tell you...I even got through the paper and I wasn't sure what this was. No matter, though, ask any 7 month old and she'll tell ya- the real gift is in the wrapping!

So it turns out that the big package was full of way cool bright soft shapes that I can climb on and stack and knock over and make forts out of and all sorts of stuff. They are just as big as I am which makes them super fun!
I also got a singing duck which you can see in that last photo...although you can also see that there was some confusion about exactly whose duck it was...

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