Monday, December 10, 2007

Bigger is always better? Still?

Before we even get into this one, Blayne and I would like to draw your attention to a previous post, albeit from another blog...

The pictures don't lie, folks, we are officially the wife and daughter of a man never satisfied. Our current adventure: fish.

It all started with Ian's friend Craig and his infamous list (interestingly enough, the same place he found that palm tree). You see, these koi are quite expensive and Ian found them at a great deal...but as are all great deals are, it came with a catch (again, like the palm tree)- all or nothing. Well, that didn't seem too bad, after all we have a nice size pond with very few fish, so why not?

Well, this soon became an all day adventure when he saw the size of these babies- some are in excess of 18 inches. All of a sudden he needed a bigger net to move them, more coolers to transport them, a better system to keep air and bubbles in the coolers for the trip back home...and amazingly, in all this upgrading, needing a bigger pond never crossed his mind.
So, long story short, he got them all home safely (although not uneventfully- apparently one jumper survived almost 30 minutes as a fish out of water) and as usual, it made for an exciting afternoon.

Alas, here they are home at last, although not for long because they are simply too many and too big to survive in our pond. But for the time being they seem happy enough in there new home swimming...ur...turning around.

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