We know what you're thinking...this doesn't look like Christmas tree hunting!
What happened to the good ole northern tradition of tramping through the snow for hours to pick the perfect tree, only to forfeit a glove to mark it, wait another long while (now with no glove, mind you) until someone retrieves the saw to cut it down, and after you have expended all your energy cutting down the tree, drag it back to the car at which point you realize is much farther than you remember?
Yeah, well, as fun as that sounds, it turns out there is a southern tradition as well. Down here you are expected to fight your way through palm trees and perennials in your t-shirts, then point to the tree you want while a kind young man carries it to the car for you.
Truth be told, we do miss the old fashioned way of this particular holiday tradition, but for the time being we are going to sit back, relax and enjoy the service.