Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The tortoise and the hare

Ah yes, the ancient tale- although in this scenario I don't know which is which. Also, I am not sure the lesson to be learned is quite the same, but none the less, we had to think of a catchy title.

Blayne and Mulligan continue to build their friendship- Mulligan is constantly bringing her toys...her favorites I might add (i.e. the plastic dog bone, dog collars, and of course the ball you see here) and she then returns the affection by putting these toys in her mouth. Luckily, we can just command the dogs to 'get the toy' (also shown in the video...they are so smart!) and they ever so gingerly pry the disgusting item out of our little Blayne's hands (hopefully) before it reaches her lips.

1 comment:

Mia & Bucca said...

Oh my gosh, how cute! Mulligan is quite the big brother. And little Miss Blayne you sure are on your way to getting around and making Mommy and Daddy's days very interesting. Next thing you know you will be climbing the palm trees like Daddy!
Blayne, remember the next time you get a boo boo you can come to Pennsylvania to see Mia & Bucca :)

Love always
Mia & Bucca