Thursday, July 26, 2007

Newsflash: Parenting not so tough after all

Parenting 101: Teach your little one independence first and as quickly as two months you'll be amazed at how well she can support herself! Here, Blayne proves that at a mere 9 weeks she is able to not only extract her mother's milk, but also put it in a bottle, warm it up and miraculously feed it to herself!

In just a few short weeks, you too can be sitting watching TV having a glass of wine while your infant takes care of herself! Just send $19.99 to the Miller residence and we'll send you everything you need to get your little bundle of joy independent in no time.

Note: (If this is daddy's idea of parenting, then this is momma's idea of working ;-)

1 comment:

Smattered said...

Your baby is so cute!

Please continue the updates on Blayne's love affair with the pineapple man, we just can't get enough! It's so much better than what's on TV (but not better than Harry Potter!)

We miss and love you and can't wait to see you!