Monday, July 9, 2007

7 weeks...

Well, we missed our 6 week update, but...I had very important business to attend Aunt Quinny got married this past week so we've been out of town and too busy to be bloggin'. None the less, I want to update you on some of the things I have done in the past two weeks...let's start with my first airplane ride!
Come on don't think I screamed the whole way, do you?
I was an angel! I ate on the way up, slept the duration of the flight and ate again on the way down. It is good we live just far enough away for a perfect 3 hour stretch between take-off and landing ;-)
I was a bit scared at first, but daddy kept me safe and we made it uneventfully to BWI in no time!

1 comment:

Katherine, Ben, Margaret & Charlotte said...

Oh thank goodness there are new posts! I was having serious withdrawal issues!! So glad to hear that the trip went well. I think I recognize the outfit that Blaine wore on her very first plane ride :-D I'm a little bummed that I didn't know you were going to be in NY!!! Wish I could have seen you all, but it sounds like your schedule was pretty packed. I'll just have to convince Ben that I need to take a trip to Texas! Love you guys and miss you tons! Keep the updates and photos coming!!!