Tuesday, June 26, 2007


OK...some clarification is necessary...we have had many a comment and question about the Bjorn. Don't worry Aunt Sarah, you weren't the only one.

Bjorn (n) byorn (thanks Aunt Peggy!): A fabulous front carrier for babies. You wear it like a backpack and the baby rests on your chest. It gives the parent freedom of his or her arms to accomplish tasks while baby can be close, feel you breathe, hear your heart beat and -with all the reminders of the womb- slowly drift into dreamland. Great for cooking, cleaning, eating and walking.

Note: When eating sloppy food, it is best to cover baby's head with something- this is demonstrated nicely here by Ian who is sporting a double paper towel over Blayne's head to ensure that no fish tacos are spilled on her sweet little face...or wake her up...

**For all the Buffett fans out there (and we know this crowd has many) these pictures were taken at Jimmy's sister's restaurant Lulu's in Gulf Shores, AL. Great place, we highly recommend it.

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