Saturday, June 2, 2007

Bath time progress

Today we had our third bath with no crying! I am not going to go as far as saying bathing is my favorite wake-time activity, but it could be could be like that whole diaper change thing. Man, that is just a mess- I don't want to be wet and stinky but I really HATE being changed...especially the part with the cold wipies.

I keep trying to show mom and dad how much I hate this by peeing at the exact moment between taking off the stinky diaper and putting on the clean one. But they don't seem to get it, they just keep buying more changing pad covers because there is always at least one in the wash. I even peed directly on mommy this morning, but it hasn't seemed to deter her yet...

Oh well, at least with the baths I get to dress up in my selection of hoodie towels afterward! They really help improve my mood after being dowsed in water.

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