Monday, June 11, 2007

Has it been 3 weeks already?

Can you believe it?- Today I am three weeks old! My mom and dad can't believe how fast the last three weeks have gone- it seems like just yesterday they were so anxiously awaiting my arrival- and yet- at the same time, they are not sure how they ever lived without me! Can you blame them?

For my three week birthday, I woke up this morning in my very own room! I have been doing such a great job sleeping, mom and dad thought they would give me a try on my own, and -as expected- I did great!

A quick glimpse at my life at three weeks: By no means am I on a schedule yet, but I am definitely showing signs of working toward one. For about the last week, I have consistently woken up at 7AM for my first feeding. I eat on average about every 3.5 hours which totals between 6 and 8 feedings a day- with 1 or 2 of those in the middle of the night. I occasionally sleep for 5 hours at a time- usually at night, which makes my mom smile! Between feedings I take a few naps a day- no real consistency yet at when these fall, but of the 6 or 7 lulls between feedings, naps consume about 3. The others are filled with night time sleep and wake time. When I'm awake my most favorite thing to do is be outside. My other favorite wake-time activities are hangin' out in my bouncy chair, playing with the pineapple man (and friends) on my activity mat, having books read to me (I don't care much for pictures, but I like to listen), and just sitting on laps and staring at whatever is in front of me. I also really enjoy golf cart rides and walks, but these often start out as wake-time activities and end in nap-time activities.

To make a short story long, at three weeks, we are all doing really well and quickly adjusting to our new life as a family.

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