To all parents out there- is this not the best thing ever created? I have no idea how to pronounce it, and yet I am pretty close to making a petition for it to be officially named the 8th wonder of the world. This fantastic little invention is one of few sure-fire ways to calm our little angel when she is having a rough moment.
A huge hug and thanks to Aunt Kirstin and Uncle Dan for giving us the best gift new parents could get- quiet, and a smiling baby :-)
Since we missed our 4 week update- we'll brief you here. Well, at 4 weeks down Blayne is doing an incredible job at sleeping through the night (of course, it seems every time I brag on her about something she makes a liar out of let's keep our fingers crossed on this one). Since Saturday, she has gone to bed somewhere between 10 and 11pm and not woken up until between 6 and 7am! We are really enjoying the extra hours of slumber and hoping that this sticks.
Of course, as we all know, life is give and take. That said, yes-she does sleep through the night- but there is a good possibility it is because she refuses to take a nap after 5pm and is fussy from then til bedtime. By the end of the night we are exhausted, so we know she must be. We figure 8 hours of sleep is well earned at that point- and hell if we won't take advantage of them!
She is eating really well (note the rolls) and as of last Sunday had gained another pound or so putting her at about 10lbs (on our home scale so not totally accurate). She had also grown another 3/4 of an inch measuring 21 1/4 inches!
She is smiling more and more everyday. She has also started taking a pacifier (when she masters this, it will give the bjorn a run for its money on the wonders-of-the-world-status). She is not supposed to truly discover her hands for a little while yet- but she is doing a pretty darn good job, considering. She hits things (like the pineapple man) and grabs and holds the "juicers" when she eats. She is also working really hard at getting her hand in her mouth to suck- she hasn't done it yet, but I don't suspect it will be long.
She is busy growing, learning and growing! And we're busy just loving her and being constantly amazed at what she can do!
Once again, Momma Ashly, you are assuming that everyone knows what the heck Bjorn is...I googled it and I found out that is it is the first name of a tennis player...I'm assuming that you do not have Blayne sleeping with a tennis player. Although you Texans always have a "different" way of doing things....
Loves and kisses to everyone in the house!
Bjorns ROCK!!! It was our only found solution to the 5pm-8pm hell child that was bestowed upon us. In most cases that meant Luke got to wear Noah during this time... usually cooking and eating with him attached. Food crumbs on his head never woke him up!! Ah, this stage too shall pass, but cheers to the Bjorn until it does!
All our love,
Schenck Family
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