Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I've been booed!

We were recently introduced to the phenomenon of "booing". Apparently, several weeks before Halloween, children go around "booing" each other to spread the Halloween spirit. This "booing" consists of putting together some kind of gift (tricks, treats, anything appropriate for the holiday), waiting til dark, then ringing the doorbell of the boo-e and running...ah to grow up in a world where the whole scheme of collecting entirely too much sugar in one night just isn't enough anymore.

In addition to the gifts that were left on our doorstep at night, we have received several left on the doorstep by the UPS man as well. We tried to get all my Halloween goodies in a picture together, but you can see how well that went. Thanks to everyone who has sent us something to help Blayne celebrate her first Halloween in style.

In tradition of "booing" the idea is to "boo" two other people after you yourself have been booed. We of course continued to spread the wealth with our neighbors, but we wanted to "boo" all of our blog fans as well...or as much as you can via the Internet. So in that last picture there, I am wishing you all a happy Halloween and BOO to you (notice I'm waving...or flailing my arms, either will work)!

*Also take a glance at the middle pic- I choose that pose all on my own...man, daddy's in way over his head...

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