Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You are what you wear

So- Mia, Bucca and Aunt Haley sent me this (what we thought was a) super cute jammie for Halloween. Mommy thought it was adorable so after my bath last night she got me all bundled up in it and ready for my bottle. Well, after a record high 6 times mommy drug herself out of bed last night to attend a screaming baby, the jammie is just more of a statement and not such a cute piece of clothing after all ;-)

On what can we blame this all night charade- a new tooth? getting sick? not enough to eat? No, no...I think we simply have to accept that sometimes we are what we wear. Needless to say, we'll go back to my sweet bunny PJs and save this for a day when daddy's on duty...after all, that seems appropriate given I'm his little monster.

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