Monday, May 14, 2007

D-day + 5

Monday: 5 days post due date...not that any one's counting...

So...what do you do when you've been expecting a major, life-changing event and it just doesn't present itself? Well, one option is to torture the ones you love!

Ian brought home this exercise ball last week for us to use as a comfort technique (and partly just because we like to bounce around on it) but we had no idea just how much fun it was going to be. He didn't even get in the door before the dogs went ballistic (no pun intended ;-)!

Mulligan is so afraid of the thing that he refuses to be on the same floor as the ball. He is constantly looking around corners to see if it is lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting for him. Monte isn't crazy about it either, but seems to be handling it better than the little one. We have no idea what this fear stems from, but now that we know it exists, we might be taking advantage of it...just a little. Ian has been caught -on more than one occasion- bouncing the ball around the house at the dogs. I, quite obviously, also forced them into this brief photo op which was quite traumatic- especially since it had been in the closet for 2 days and we had finally convinced Mulligan it was OK to hang out on the main floor again. He is upstairs hiding as we speak...oh well, maybe Blayne will be here by the time he decides to come down again!

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